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Universe consists everything that exists physically, all forms of matter (and antimatter) and energy, entire space time, all physical laws that have been discovered or yet to be discovered and constans that govern these laws.
Estimated age of universe is about 14 billion years, found by astronomical observations. There are about 100 billion galaxies and each galaxy has stars ranging from ten million to 1 trillion. These stars orbit galaxy's center. A supermassive black hole is believed to have in center of most galaxies. Our own galaxy, Milky Way has a supermassive black hole in its center.
Astronomical observations indicate that universe is shaped by gravity, one of the four fundamental forces. Gravity is dominating at large cosmological distances where as other 3 fundamental forces(Strong force, Weak force and Electromagnetic force) dominate only at microscopic distances. General relativity is currently the most accurate theory of gravity, describing how gravity works.

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