Friday, March 1, 2013

Facts of creation

Try getting your mind around God after reading these facts!
1. There is a 7 foot long DNA strip in each of your hundred trillion cells. If the DNA in your body is stretched out and connected together, it would stretch from here to the moon one half million times.
2. If all the coded information in your DNA were placed in typewritten form, and typed out just for your DNA, it would fill the Grand Canyon 50 times!
3. Your brain has 100 thousand billion electrical connections, in other words, more electrical connections than all the electrical appliances on the face of the earth, yet it fits in a quart jar and operates for 70 years on 10 watts of power fueled by cheeseburgers and french fries!
4. Rain of 4 inches over an area of 10,000 square miles would require the burning of 640 million tons of coal to evaporate enough water. To cool again the vapors and collect them in clouds would take another 800 million horsepower of refrigeration working 24 hours a day for 100 days. Yet God by the massive power of the sun evaporates water, refrigerates it in the sky, then sends it back down again as water!
5. The average farmer in Minnesota is provided free of charge 407 thousand, 510 gallons of water per acre per year if the annual rainfall of 24 inches occurs.
6. There are 10 million different species of insects, did you know that? There are 2500 kinds of ants, and one colony of ants can have as many as 100 million ants. And my nephews want to know why Noah took mosquitos on the ark?!
7. Mallards can fly 60 miles an hour, eagles 100 miles an hour, and falcons can dive at 180 miles an hour.
8. Cod can lay 9  million eggs and herring only 70,000. Huh?
9. The earth is 25,000 miles in circumference. It weighs sex septillion, five hundred and eighty six six trillion tons and hangs in empty space. It spins at 1000 miles an hour with perfect balance in an orbit of 580 million miles and does so at a perfect angle to create the seasons we have.
10. Comet heads can be from 10,000 miles to 1 million miles long, and the tails can be 100 million miles long yet they travel at 350 miles per second.
11. Your heart is the size of your fist but weighs less than 1/2 a pound, pumps 1800 plus gallons of blood a day and does enough work in 12 hours to lift 65 tons off the ground.
12.The sun burns up 4 million tons of matter per second.
13. Atoms: not visible. They are so small it takes 3 atoms to make up 1 water molecule. If you were to take every water molecule in 1 drop of water and blow them up so that each molecule was the size of a grain of sand, you would have enough grains of sand to make a road 1 foot thick, 1/2 mile wide that would go from LA to NYC.
14. If the average person had all the space squeezed out of him, you’d be lost on the head of a pin and occupy just one one-hundred millionth of a cubic inch. So when somebody tells you you’re nothing, they’re right!

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