Monday, March 4, 2013

Miracles of Allah

In the name of Allah, the merciful



Hurricanes are severe tropical storms that form in the southern Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Hurricanes gather heat and energy through contact with warm ocean waters. Evaporation from the seawater increases their power.

Hurricanes rotate in a counter-clockwise direction around an “eye.” Hurricanes have winds at least 74 miles per hour.When they come onto land, the heavy rain, strong winds, and heavy waves can damage buildings, trees and cars. The heavy waves are called a storm surge. Storm surges are very dangerous and a major reason why people MUST stay away from the ocean during a hurricane warning or hurricane.

Hurricane Classification

Hurricanes are classified into five categories, based on their wind speeds and potential to cause damage.
  • Category One—Winds 74-95 miles per hour
  • Category Two—Winds 96-110 miles per hour
  • Category Three—Winds 111-130 miles per hour
  • Category Four—Winds 131-155 miles per hour
  • Category Five—Winds greater than 155 miles per hour
In the U.S., the official hurricane season is from June 1 to November 30, but hurricanes can happen any time of the year. Hurricanes are named by the National Weather Service. Some recent hurricanes have been named Opal, Andrew, Marilyn, Hugo and Fran.

Terms to Know

Hurricane Watch A hurricane is possible within 36 hours. Stay tuned to the radio and television for more information. The Hurricane Center is tracking the storm and trying to predict where it may come ashore.
Hurricane Warning A hurricane is expected within 24 hours. You may be told to evacuate. You and your family should begin making preparations to evacuate.

Geography Riddles

Geography Riddles:

#1: I am tall and I often wear a snow cap. Who Am I?

#2: I stand with a torch in one hand and a book in the other. I wear a crown with seven rays to stand for the seven seas and seven continents. I am located in the United States. Who Am I?

#3: The first design of this symbol had a circle of thirteen stars on a blue background
and thirteen red and white strips. Today I have one start for each state and thirteen red
and white stripes for each of the thirteen original colonies? Who Am I?

#4: I am a farmer’s dream. Very flat forever it seems. Who Am I?

#5: I run but have no legs. Who Am I?

#6: In 1776, some people in Philadelphia rang me for several hours to announce the
Declaration of Independence had been signed. John Marshall, Chief of Justice of the
Supreme Court of the US cracked me while ringing me. Who Am I?

#7: I am big and powerful and Salty too. Who Am I?

#8: I can fly. I live only in North America. I am the national symbol of the US. Who Am I?

Geography Quiz


Question #1: In what state is Three Mile Island and what is its importance? #1
 A). State of New York. Site of New York's largest island
 B). State of Pennsylvania - Site of the first US nuclear accident.
C). State of Massachusetts - Site of the first man-made island .

Question #2: What are the French speaking Acadians of Louisiana called? #2

Question #3:In seeking longitude, which direction are you traveling? #3,
A).East or West
B).North or South
C).North or West

Question #4: What are the cardinal points on a map? #4
A).N, E,S, and W
B).N and S
C).E and W

Question #5: If you lived in North America, in which ocean would you find lobsters? #5,
A).Atlantic Ocean
B).Canadian Ocean
C).Pacific Ocean

Question #6: What popular vacation spot was once called the Sandwich Islands? #6
A).The Hawaiian Islands
B).The Bahamas
C).Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket

Question #7: If you were standing on the "Four Corners",what state would you enter if you go northeast? #7

Question #8: When is "Hail to the Chief", a musical composition,often played? #8,
A).When a business executive enters the office
B). When the Vice President enters the oval office
C). When the US President enters a meeting.

Question #9: Which is the only Great Lake completely within the United States? #9
A).Lake Michigan
B).Lake Erie
C).Lake Huron

Question #10: In which state is the geographical center of the 48 contiguous states? #10

Question #11: Name the 33rd US President.#11
A). Roosevelt
B). Cleveland
C). Truman

Question #12: The Appalachian Trail is the longest continuous trail in the world! In which two states does it begin and end? #12
A).Maine and Georgia
B).Massachusetts and Alabama
C).California and Colorado

Question #13: Which state was the first to give women equal status to vote. #13

Question #14: Where part of the US is most famous for finding fossils of prehistoric animals?#14
A).Hills of West Virginia
C).Badlands of South Dakota

Question #15: The roadrunner is the state bird of which state of the US? #15
C).New Mexico

Question #16: Which state contains the geographic center of NORTH AMERICA?#16
B).South Dakota
C).North Dakota

Question #17: Where is the United States' only diamond mine? #17

Question #18: During a presidential election, how many electoral votes does the state of Iowa get?#18

Question #19: This body of water is one of the largest freshwater lakes within the US. It sits surrounded by a large swampy area called the Everglades. Name this body of water. #19
A).Lake Kissimmee
B).Lake Florida
C).Lake Okeechobee

Question #20: This state has the most caves of any state in addition to the most undergound streams and rivers. Name the state. #20

Friday, March 1, 2013

Cool facts of universe

Fact #1 The diameter of our Milky Way galaxy is so vast that if you could travel as fast as the speed of light (which is 182,282 miles per second), it would take you 10,000 years to cross it!
Fact #2 The average distance between stars within our galaxy is about six light years apart, or about 36 trillion miles!
Fact #3 There are so many galaxies that have been detected that it has been said they are about "as common as blades of grass in a meadow", according to the 1974 National Geographic.
Fact #4 If our home, Earth, was even a tiny bit closer to the sun, we would burn up. And farther, we would freeze. It is exactly the right distance from the sun, at an average of 93 million miles away.
Fact #5 The speed at which the earth travels around the sun is just right, too - at about 66,000 miles an hour. Any faster and it would be an icy wasteland. Any slower and it would be pulled toward to sun and we would burn up.
Fact #6 The fact that earth makes a complete rotation on its axis every 24 hours is just perfect. If it only rotated completely every year, only one side would face the sun all year and that one side would become a furnace-like desert and no one could live there. And the other side would become a sub-zero wasteland, where no one could live either!
Fact #7 At the center of every galaxy, even ours, according to, there is a huge black hole!
Fact #8 When pulsars (which are rotating neutron stars) were first discovered, the radiation that they emitted was actually mistaken for a signal from an alien civilization and was dubbed 'LGM' standing for 'Little Green Men'! Amazing and hilarious!
Fact #9 Like the light that comes from a lighthouse, a pulsar pulses past our home planet of earth every 1.4 milliseconds to 8.5 seconds and are emitting radiation while they do this!
Fact #10 The universe extends beyond our home planet of Earth for at least 10 billion light years and is still expanding more and more!

Facts of creation

Try getting your mind around God after reading these facts!
1. There is a 7 foot long DNA strip in each of your hundred trillion cells. If the DNA in your body is stretched out and connected together, it would stretch from here to the moon one half million times.
2. If all the coded information in your DNA were placed in typewritten form, and typed out just for your DNA, it would fill the Grand Canyon 50 times!
3. Your brain has 100 thousand billion electrical connections, in other words, more electrical connections than all the electrical appliances on the face of the earth, yet it fits in a quart jar and operates for 70 years on 10 watts of power fueled by cheeseburgers and french fries!
4. Rain of 4 inches over an area of 10,000 square miles would require the burning of 640 million tons of coal to evaporate enough water. To cool again the vapors and collect them in clouds would take another 800 million horsepower of refrigeration working 24 hours a day for 100 days. Yet God by the massive power of the sun evaporates water, refrigerates it in the sky, then sends it back down again as water!
5. The average farmer in Minnesota is provided free of charge 407 thousand, 510 gallons of water per acre per year if the annual rainfall of 24 inches occurs.
6. There are 10 million different species of insects, did you know that? There are 2500 kinds of ants, and one colony of ants can have as many as 100 million ants. And my nephews want to know why Noah took mosquitos on the ark?!
7. Mallards can fly 60 miles an hour, eagles 100 miles an hour, and falcons can dive at 180 miles an hour.
8. Cod can lay 9  million eggs and herring only 70,000. Huh?
9. The earth is 25,000 miles in circumference. It weighs sex septillion, five hundred and eighty six six trillion tons and hangs in empty space. It spins at 1000 miles an hour with perfect balance in an orbit of 580 million miles and does so at a perfect angle to create the seasons we have.
10. Comet heads can be from 10,000 miles to 1 million miles long, and the tails can be 100 million miles long yet they travel at 350 miles per second.
11. Your heart is the size of your fist but weighs less than 1/2 a pound, pumps 1800 plus gallons of blood a day and does enough work in 12 hours to lift 65 tons off the ground.
12.The sun burns up 4 million tons of matter per second.
13. Atoms: not visible. They are so small it takes 3 atoms to make up 1 water molecule. If you were to take every water molecule in 1 drop of water and blow them up so that each molecule was the size of a grain of sand, you would have enough grains of sand to make a road 1 foot thick, 1/2 mile wide that would go from LA to NYC.
14. If the average person had all the space squeezed out of him, you’d be lost on the head of a pin and occupy just one one-hundred millionth of a cubic inch. So when somebody tells you you’re nothing, they’re right!